Monday, January 24, 2011

My 1st Movie

I recently went to a presentation that included a nifty little movie using text-to-movie technology. The movie was so amusing I found it on the web shared it with my Facebook buddies.  Another friend, also uploaded a movie, but it was one she created. Intrigued, I went to the company’s website to investigate.  Xtranormal provides the technology to turn a script into a movie. Pick a set. Cast the actors, in this case animated avatars. Type in your script, add the camera shot list, and music and presto change, you’ve got yourself a movie.

It sounded simple, so I decided to make a movie.  The movie centers on a girl telling a friend about NJ Libraries’ Technology Catch-up Centers. NJ Libraries are trying to win a $250k grant from Pepsi Refresh to create Technology Catch-up Centers at libraries throughout the state. The grant provides money for not only the hardware, but training, and downloadable books. Each center’s kit will contain an Ipad, nook, kindle, and flip ultra camcorder. The centers will open up a world of possibilities for all patrons and further NJLA’s goal of libraries being community centers where library patrons become lifelong learners.

Learning how to use xtranormal’s features is pretty easy. The choices are limited, which for a beginner like me is a good thing. While creating a movie, you can make as many changes as you want. Of course this meant, I tried out almost every set, avatar, camera angle & expression that xtranormal offered. On a freezing cold weekend, it was a fun way to stay entertained, inside. I hope you like it. If you’ve got an idea for a movie, now it’s as easy as pie to become a movie producer. Go for it, I look forward to seeing what you create.

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