Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Affirmations Fill Our Minds with Positive Messages

Affirmations develop a mindset that is necessary to make a person's life better. Affirmations direct our mind, thus our actions, to those things that add abundance in our lives. But it takes more than just hearing, reading or writing affirmations to make a difference in a person's life. To make real change takes action.

Step 1: Create a specific targeted set of affirmations. For example an affirmation stating “I have achieved financial freedom” immediately raises the question why; drilling down on the why will lead to a resonating affirmation. An affirmation that truly resonates with you will inspire action. For me it is “I am living in a blissful state of financial abundance”.

Step 2: Make your affirmations apart of your daily life. Repetition is the key to bringing your affirmation to life. Meditate every morning on your affirmations. Chant them while you’re in the shower. Hang them in key places around your home, like the bathroom mirror or fridge. Create a Vision Board. Find whatever works for you. The object is to make your affirmations a part of your conscious & subconscious life.

Step 3: Put your affirmation into action. Once your affirmations are a part of your life, you will begin to get promptings. A prompting is a thought that encourages action.  When you act on a prompting you are taking steps to make your affirmations a reality. I recently was prompted to contact an old friend. The result was two-fold, reconnecting a relationship I missed and a project that is bringing me closer to a blissful state of financial abundance.

Create you affirmations and then act on your promptings. See what wonders occur.

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